
Jun- Dec 2021
Pro Retina e.V.
Sports partner

for blind people at assisication Pro Retina e.V.


Selfie, Zwei Personen lächelnd vor einer Kletterwand

April 2019 - Sept. 2020
Fashionproject „Wechselwirkung“
Creativ director Fashiondesign

Inclusive project for barrier-free fashion, sponsored by "Aktion Mensch" in cooperation with WIM-Berlin e.V. and the Diakonie Mühlhausen.


Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2020
Fotostudio für blinde Fotograf*innen
Assistent for blind Fotographers

Support in the implementation of concepts and ideas for portrait and fashion photography


Schwarz weiß Foto, vorne sitzend eine blinde Frau, im hintergrund Anna mit dem Rücken zur Kamera

June 2019
Lebenshilfe Berlin
Assistent for traveling

Caring for children and teenagers during a one-week trip


April - June 2017
Lebenshilfe Berlin

Design of dance costumes for the "Carnival of Cultures" in Berlin


Sept. 2015 - June 2016
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover
Graduate Speaker

Representation of students' interests in university policy, with faculty, program and university management.


Oct. 2014 - June 2017
Lebenshilfe Hannover
Mobile support service/single case assistance

Childcare for Sophie, severely disabled


Sept. 2011 - Jan. 2016
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover

Fittingmodel for fellow students during design development for patterns, presentation of prototypes for bachelor and project presentations


Anna steht seitlich zur Kamera mit extravagantem Oberteil

March 2012 - July 2014
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover
Member of student council

Representation of the interests of students, elected member from March 2013 to March 2014


Sept. 2011 - Jan. 2014
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover
Fashion design tutoring

for fellow students and prospective students in the fields of production engineering, pattern construction and design development


April 2013
Baltic Fashion Award
Assistent Fashionshow

Preparation of collections for fashion show, model assistance during the show


Anna und ein weibliches Model schauen lächelnd in die Kamera und zeigen das Victory-Zeichen

July 2012 und 2013
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin
Assistent Fashionshows

Location preparation, guest relations, model assistance during the shows


Schreib mir!


Fabiana und Anna stehen nebeneinander und lächeln in die Kamera. Mit Text, einfach Vielfalt, Workshops für Inklusion

Kennst du schon unseren neuen Workshop "EinFach Vielfalt?

Am 21.02-2024 sind wir auf der Didacta in Köln und stellen unser neues Projekt vor. Besuch uns doch, wir freuen uns!

Fabiana und Anna